Travel with Someone Worthy

“Never go on trips with anyone you do not love.” —- Ernest Hemingway

Source: Hemingway, Ernest. A Moveable Feast. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1964. Print.

Travel, for me, is something special. I have traveled once with my friends from high school. We have a close relationship among each other; however, that trip left me a horrible memory for there were so many things to consider and we have never reached an agreement. So when you travel, be sure to take someone that you love and someone who is easily to communicate with or you should just travel by yourself.


What Are Words

“What are words if you really don’t mean them when you say them. What are words if they are only for good times.” — Chris Medina

This is from the song called What Are Words by Chris Medina who competed in season 10 of American Idol. He wrote this song for his fiancee who was paralyzed due to a car accident. We make promises every day even when we never realize it. But have you kept all of your promises? What Chris Medina has done is really touching for he actually keeps his promise to his fiancee when they engaged. This sort of love is hard to find and should be praised.


Love Finds It

“Love is when you meet someone who tells you something new about yourself. ” —- Andre Breton

Source: “Andre Breton.” BrainyQuote.com. Xplore Inc, 2013. 4 September 2013. http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/andrebreto384240.html

Recently, a good friend of mine fell in love with a girl who shares a lot similarities with him. When I asked him how was things going, he replied that he never realized he was such a wonderful guy until his girlfriend told him about it. Sometimes, we tend to neglect the advantages we own and think that we are just as ordinary as other people; however, the one who truly loves us is still able to discover these shiny points and help ourselves to rebuild confidence. So when you meet someone who finds your uniqueness, be courageous and chase after him.


Always Be Careful

“One may smile, smile, and be a villian.”—– Shakespeare

Source:  Shakespeare, William, and Harold Jenkins. Hamlet. London: Methuen, 1982. Print.

Hamlet is referring to his uncle who pretends to be a kind king but does horrible things. What he says still holds truth in our current society. No matter how kind and nice one may be to you, it is still possible that he or she may stab you in the back or to take benefit from you. So always watch out and remember that the only one you can trust fully is yourself.


Accept the Past

“Be grateful for your past for it builds you up to who you are today.” Joey Parker

Source: Parker, Joey. “Be Grateful For Your Past!” The Daily Love. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Sept. 2013.

Sometimes people tend to imagine what would have happened if they made a different decision at a certain moment. But what I want to say is be thankful and accept your past, because without these past experiences, no matter good or bad, happy or sad, we wouldn’t become the people we are right now and we may not meet people who shine in our lives. If you want to change something, focus on the present moment.


Happy Labor Day

“Without labor nothing prospers—– Sophocles

Source: “Without Labor, Nothing Prospers.” SpencerCountyJournal.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Sept. 2013.

Today is the United States’s Labor Day and I would like thank all the labors for their hard work so that we can enjoy such a beautiful world. Everyone is a labor, even though he or she may not realize it, and everyone is continuously making contribution to this world we all live in. Just as Sophocles said, if no one is devoting, everything stays the same. So again, thank you labors!


Make the Move

“You are always free to change your mind and choose a different future, or a different past.”—Richard Bach

Source: Bach, Richard. Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah. [New York]: Delacorte, 1977. Print.

Everyone has his or her own comfort zone and he or she is willing to staying in it as long as possible. It is reasonable for people to hesitate when they are forced to make a change as they do not know where will this change lead them to. This usually happens to people who already have stable lives and who then often say “no” to these changes to make sure they are still in their comfort zone. But it is always these people who always regret. Remember, this is your life. If you want something, make the move, and you will have the future you want. Do not be afraid because we are not born to live easy lives.


Live in the Present

“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.” —-Henry David Thoreau

Source:Thoreau, Henry David, and Brooks Atkinson. Walden and Other Writings of Henry David Thoreau. New York: Modern Library, 1992. Print.

This is my senior quote and it is one of my most favorite quotes. Everyone daydreams sometimes since not every wish can be satisfied. Daydreaming may be able provide people with a way to get away with their real lives and be kings or queens who dominate the world in their imagination. However, they must realize that dream is always a dream if you do not live in the present and work hard for it. Present, remember, is the only thing you can get hold of.


Look Forward

“We always hope, and in all things, it is better to hope than to despair.” —–Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Source: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von. Goethes Torquato Tasso; Ein Schauspiel,. Boston: Ginn &, 1908. Print.

As we step into a brand-new chapter of our lives–college, it is assured that we will run into numerous difficulties. We may be bothered by school works, relationships, health conditions and other things that we have never expected to take place. So at first we do not know what to do, we become nervous, or even we cry. But remember to look forward and always be optimistic, since there will be nothing that we cannot overcome. When you look back after things are finally settled, you will realize how trivial those things are and how strong you have become.
